I can stand fanboys!!!!
CRank: 5Score: 5890

Gears 2 sold what 5 millie?
Uncharted 2 is just as good campaign wise if not better than Gears 2 and it sold what about a millie? Wake up Folk its the PS3 owners who don't support their own. Be made at that and not this idiot. He never regret spending that money. Look at Cliffy B. He became a rockstar off of this got his teeth fixed and wear platinum jewelry. If uncharted was on 360 the advertising would be epic and the online would been even more better (Not that its not good.)

5265d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

You fail to realize people want a sense of accomplishment. Nowadays when you end video games there no big ending but a dissapointing cliffhanger to you have to waiting about 2 years for the follow up answer which is more confusing that the story itself. Atleast once you go online you give gamers something else to shoot for as far as percentage completions goes.Lets See what happens if you finish Twisted metal without releasing a online mode without leaderboards, Stats, Replays and level ups E...

5272d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

HHG Got to follow this bullsh!t lol!!

In my honest opinion i would love to play GoW3 and i will cop it for my little brother ps3 so i can live on his sytem and murk this game but.......The elephant is still in the room and Graphics aside video games can't look anymore better than what we getting now. GoW3 will be a masterpiece because of its epic nature but U2 ain't no slouch and we all now GeOW3 is coming at the end of the month plus countless other that will push the boundari...

5274d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

How you only have the demo but you somehow got pics of forza 3 and 2 on stages not in the demo? If you played the demo you will notice the improvent graphically. I always though SDF was a inside joke to this site but i see this sh!t exists. This games graphical improvement is bigger than this. Like cows being led to slaughter.

5372d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment
5372d ago

Some of You B!tches need To get a fuking life. spending Hours b!tching about Damage in fukin demo of a game on a system you don't even have. This site is Anarchy. Im ashamed i even clicked on comments.

Mothafukers get haywire over GT5 but nobody owns it. Im done. Going to lay up with my Girl playing Forza 3 Demo.

5382d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

GT5 is a good looking game for a 2 years just like how Gears is..but C'mon i had the demo for that it still lacked gameplay wise to forza 2 demo 2 years ago.I highly doubt any of you play the Demo for forza 3. Sometimes it doesn't nmake any sense to argue or have a clean debate with arssholes to don't even plan on buying the damn game. Gt5 is slow as hell and handling on the car feels sluggish without a sense of speed and you guys are proud of that? I've downloaded this game and was not impre...

5382d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

You could still roll to the side getting hit with gunfire but hammers stop you dead on. Shotty are weak as fuk and with the lag they offer no real help against multiple enemies. you almost have to be dead on to get a one shot kill.The 2 piece is tone down a bit from before.Sh!t half of the time the shot misses because of connection issues. Lancers feel way to ineffective even at mid range. sometimes it feels as if your just alarming the enemy.

5422d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Put Gears 1 shotgun settings and speed back to normal and speed the characters back up and there it is. reversel the coding back to gears 1. blindfire = bunched shotgun pellets and Focused = sprayed pellets.

5423d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Everybody know Marcus is Modeled after Batista. After part 1 this game was listed as a trilogy. So please stop b1tching about it being a game by game basis sort of thing. After Gears 3 you will probably get the prequel games which will have you fight the pendulum wars as Hoffman before he became a Captain.

anywho technically its Halo's turn to drop since it hit the 2 year mark on 3(As with COD4.)

5479d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Because in Gaming today nothing is secret anymore. You are forced to pay attention to things you never really cared about.

5510d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow what a big improvement on the detail level.This Sh1t Looks Sick!!!! why can we leave all the "Visuals Blows away all competition" bit at the door? Why can we we just say Uncharted 2 IS a visual masterpiece with out comparing it?

Can it have a crown of its own for once? I mean From GOW,MGS4 to COD4 they all have That "destroyed beauty" look in wartorn towns that require precise detail. this game will and hopefully do the numbers it deserves.

5514d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

While BS1 Was a very good game this looks like it offers just more power ups. I was Disappointed to see Big Daddies being out classed by a Big Sisters Thats Little as hell. When i seen the previews in the books of this game i imagined that The Female Suit they advertised was you as the prototype. Whats gonna set Big Daddy boss battles apart now is the fact that the Big Sisters are more Agile(Ho Hum). Whats the sense of Saving Lil Sisters if Big Sister is still going to whup that ass lol! I gu...

5517d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Should have a Run and Gun Mechanic because times changed and fast paced shooters are in since this became on.

Not enough Scare Tatics.
Control feels stiff.
It Got the GeoW 2 treatment (Slowed the game down overall to accomodate new users.)
Hitting zombies with Punches and kick seems to hurt (Have more effect.) more than knives or bullets themselves.

Takes to long to free yourself of a light zomebies grip because Sheva/Chris is supposed to he...

5576d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

We all know he does this for the hits. Its his opinion so i can live with that. Here's Mine though. Graphically,Controll wise,Gameplay wise and story wise Ninja Blade is a Joke compared to Ryu Hayabusa games Sigma or 2. If anybody like me played the Demo you would know this.You spend a whole hour trying to fight a fuking boss that was more repetitive than i don't know what lol! QTE (Quick Time Events) is played out and no one like to miss a jump only to have the game rewind time like PoP so y...

5577d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I recently Played Killzone 2 at my cousins house and i was not all that impressed gameplay-wise. COD4 is still a smoother game and control far better. Killzone best feature is the Dark atmosphere it is presented in but i just get to repetitive with the Cover tatics that are not as smooth Gears.
Halo while graphically is slightly outdone by Killzone is still more reasonably better control wise. Im being honest here so please don't take it outta context. The character enemies moves are ...

5588d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment
5589d ago

Why do ya'll keep searching around for clarity in a fuking exclusive whether its timed or not? Everytime a game comes out some fiending @ss Watchdog fanboy with a blog comes along and always try to dispell an announcement. Sad part is Half of you bum @ss Niggaz don't even buy the fuking Games cause if you did the PS3 would'nt be in a hole right now. Give it a rest if its a timed exclusive then relax and wait or cop a 360.Since Killzone 2 should be out go and enjoy that.Damn thisis what gaming...

5593d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lost planet was a Great Game Why? Because IGN gave it a 8.5 and it said Great lol! any who i for one was Thirsting for Lost Planet original when it first game out and i had fun with it. I did'nt play the Online much but the offline was a tight little game. I hated the fact you were practically killing your self to fire energy weapons.

Anyway this will be a great game and PS3 Fanboy will hate it because it not on thier system now but will secretly buy a 360 or sneak a friends ow...

5594d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Please Fanboys its ok Lost planet is a good game. I mean what does it concern PS3 owners? Was'nt Lost Planet 1 trash?

5594d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment